Plastic Surgeon/Chirurg Plastyczny
About us.
prof. Marek Paul, MD, PhD
plastic surgery specialist
The founder of the clinic
We extend a warm welcome to you at our clinic. Throughout the years, our commitment to ongoing training has enabled us to provide you with the finest and most validated solutions. It is crucial to recognize that, akin to other branches of medicine, plastic surgery has its inherent limitations.
Through comprehensive consultations, we ensure to elucidate all conceivable options and potential outcomes that can be attained. Despite our wealth of experience, we remain dynamic, continually exploring for the most effective methods and solutions.
Both myself and the entire team are dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, continually elevating our expertise to deliver the highest standard of care
Best regards and cordially invite you
Marek A Paul
2005 - M.D -Medicine - Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
2017 - Ph.D - Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland -“Quality of Life In Women Undergoing Breast Reduction Surgery” Department of General, Vascular and Transplant Surgery
PhD thesis promoter - Prof. dr hab. Lech Cierpka, MD, PhD
2021 - Associate Professor
2023 - Jan Dlugosz University Professor
10.2005 - 10.2006 - Fellowship at 106 Military Hospital in Gliwice, Poland
02.2006 - 03.2006 - Fellowship at Department of Plastic Surgery
Univ-Klinikum, Plastische Chirurgie, Graz, Austria
(Erwin Sharnagl MD, PhD)
12.2006 – 07.2013 - Assistant at National Center
for Burns, Siemianowice Slaskie, Poland
03.2007 - 08.2008 - General Surgery Residency, Department of General, Vascular and Transplant Surgery, Katowice, Poland
09.2008 - 07.2013 - Plastic Surgery Residency, Department of Plastic Surgery, DSS im. T. Marciniaka, Wroclaw, Poland (training directors dr. n. med. Jacek Jarliński/dr. n. med. Marek Węgrzyn)
06.2011 - 07.2011- Fellowship at Division of Plastic Surgery AKH, Linz, Austria
(Georg Huemer, MD, Ph.D)
06.2014 – 06.2019 - Research Fellowship at Division of Plastic Surgery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston USA
(Bernard T. Lee, MD; Reaserch Director - Samuel J. Lin, MD)
2014 - 07.2019 - drPaul Private Practice Bielany Wroclawskie, Poland
07.2013 - 06. 2014 - Plastic Surgery Consultant -
National Center for Burns, Siemianowice Slaskie, Poland
2013 – 07.2021 - Head f the Department of Plastic Surgery, DSS im. T. Marciniaka, Wroclaw, Poland
2014 - 07. 2021 - Residency Coordinator, Plastic Surgery Department DSS im. T. Marciniaka, Wroclaw, Poland
2015 - 07.2021 - Plastic Surgery Consultant- ProFamilia Hospital Department of General Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery, Rzeszów, Poland
2015 – 2019 - Research Fellow from BIDMC, collaboratxion with McGovern Institute for Brain Research MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology,) Cambridge, MA, USA ( PI - Robert Ajemian PhD)
08.2019 - present - docPaul Private Practice, Bytom, Poland
Iwona Gabriel, MD, PhD
aesthetic gynecology
The founder of the Clinic
I am a gynecologist-obstetrician specializing in aesthetic and reconstructive gynecology, successfully addressing related issues since 2012. My journey into this field commenced with a personalized course led by Dr. Red Alinsod, a renowned expert in this area (SouthCoast Gynecology, Laguna Beach, USA). Since then, I have provided extensive consultation and administered numerous treatments, assisting women with diverse concerns in various locations.
What sets me apart?
I am among the few female practitioners in this field in Poland, a factor I deem essential for comprehending the anatomical and physiological challenges contributing to both physical and mental discomfort related to the intimate zone.
I cordially invite you to consultations
Iwona Gabriel
1999- 2005 - MD Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
2007- 2008 - PhD Medical University of Silesia, Zabrze, Poland
04.2014 - Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Polish Board certification
2021 - Associate Professor
10. 2005 – 10.2006 Intern Multdisciplinary Regional Hospital, Bytom, Poland
05.2006 - 06.2006 Intern Landspitali University Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland
12.2006- 03. 2007 Staff Physcian Medical Oncology, Regional Oncology Center,
05.2007- 12.2013 Resident OB&GYNUniversity Hospital, Bytom, Poland
10.2015 General Obstetrics and Gynecology Training: FIGO Con. Vancouver, Canada
Mininvasive Gynecology Training
2008 AAGL Annual Meeting Suturing course (C. Koh, MD)
09.2009-10.2009 Advanced Hysteroscopy training (R. Campo, MD)
LIFE Institute, Leuven, Belgium (8 weeks)
2011 AAGL Annual Meeting Laparoscopic Suturing (J. Einarsson, MD)
Advanced Hysteroscopy course (A. Garcia, MD)
2012 World Robotic Gynecologic Congress/ ISGE 2012
Taking Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery to the Extreme
(J. Einarsson, MD)
2012 AAGL Annual Meeting 2012 Cystoscopy & Urethral Stents for the Gyn Surgeon (P.Pettit, MD) Surgical Procedures for Pelvic Pain (M. Hibner, MD) Vaginal Hysterectomy (R. Kho, MD)
2013 AAGL Annual Meeting 2013 How to manage your minimally invasive
complications without conversion (S.Puntambekar, MD; A. Wattiez, MD)
2017 Open Endoscopic Forum, Boston MA
06.2012 AAGL Observership, Ted Lee, MD Magee- Pittsburgh, PA
(4 weeks)
08-09.2012 Visiting Resident Rotation, Rosanne Kho, MD
Mayo Clinic Arizona (6 weeks)
02.2018 - Visiting Urogynecology Rotation, Bogdan Grigorescu, MD Winthrop Hospital, NY (4 weeks)
Gynecologic Oncology Training
11. 2012 SGO State of the art Conference, Washington DC
2013 AAGL Annual Meeting 2013 Fertility Preserving Surgery in
Gynecologic Oncology: A new standard of care (N. Abu-Rustum, MD)
Appointments at Hospitals/Affiliated Institutions
Research Collaborator Division of Urogynecology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA,
Instructor Department of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Oncological Gynecology, Medical University of Silesia, Bytom, Poland
Prywatna Klinika Chirugii Plastycznej drPaul, Bytom
Karolina Małek-Stelmachowska, MD
specialist in plastic surgery
I am a graduate of the Pomeranian Medical University. I completed my specialization training in plastic surgery from 2010 to 2016 at the Department of Plastic Surgery, Burn Treatment, and Limb Replantation in Krakow.
For almost 10 years, I have been practicing aesthetic surgery, which is my greatest passion. I continuously enhance my skills by participating in numerous internships and conferences in the United States and Europe. Thanks to this, I can verify new techniques and apply them in my daily practice.
I currently reside and work in Krakow.
I am a full member of the Polish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery (PTChPRiE).
Privately, I am a happy wife and mother.
I love traveling and sports. I am also a fan of fashion and automotive pursuits.
Łukasz Duda-Barcik, MD
specialist in plastic surgery
I have successfully concluded my medical practice specializing in aesthetic medicine and laser therapy at esteemed institutions in both Poland and the USA. My specialization training in plastic surgery took place at the Department of Plastic Surgery at the Hospital Marcianiak in Wrocław, under the guidance of the head of medical specialization training, Michał Knakiewicz. I consistently enhance and refresh my knowledge by participating in congresses and symposia led by global authorities in their respective fields. With over 20 years of experience and a track record of conducting numerous treatments, I ensure the quality of the services I provide.
My approach is rooted in tailoring each treatment to the individual patient, highlighting their unique features and natural attributes, both facial and bodily. I firmly believe that by addressing concerns related to external appearance, I contribute to improving the quality of life for my patients and restoring their self-confidence.
I am an active member of the Polish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery (PTChPRiE).
On a personal note, I am passionate about travel
lek. Magdalena Kozicka
specjalistka chirurgii plastycznej
Jestem specjalistką chirurgii plastycznej. Absolwentką Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Katowicach oraz Wydziału Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w zakresie Prawa w Ochronie Zdrowia.
Odbyłam szkolenia w Tunisie, Birmingham, Hongkongu oraz w Berlinie. Uczestniczyła w zagranicznych konferencjach z zakresu chirurgii plastycznej i rekonstrukcyjnej w Hiszpanii, Włoszech, Niemczech, Austrii i Meksyku.
Jestem członkinią zwyczajną Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Plastycznej, Rekonstrukcyjnej i Estetycznej (PTChPRiE)
dr n. med. Maciej Stala
specjalistka chirurgii plastycznej, specjalista ortopedii
Jestem specjalistą chirurgii plastycznej oraz ortopedii i traumatologii narządu ruchu, z pasją do chirurgii ręki i mikrochirurgii. Pracuję w Brest Unit Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie. Od 2022 roku również w doc. Paul Klinika w Bytomiu. W 2022 roku obroniłem doktorat z zakresu chirurgii plastycznej na temat wpływu hiperbarii tlenowej na gojenie tkanek po rekonstrukcjach palców. Jestem członkiem kilku towarzystw naukowych, a prywatnie uwielbiam kolarstwo górskie i budowanie rowerów.
Jestem członkiem zwyczajnym Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Plastycznej, Rekonstrukcyjnej i Estetycznej (PTChPRiE)
Korneliusz Wojcik MD,
in the course of specialization in plastic surgery
A graduate of the Medical University of Karol Marcinkowski in Poznań , specializing in plastic surgery.
He works at the Plastic Surgery Department at the Lower Silesian Specialist Hospital in Wrocław.
Participant of many trainings in Poland and abroad in the field of plastic surgery, microsurgery and aesthetic medicine. He pays great attention to obtaining natural effects and meeting the expectations of patients. She constantly improves her qualifications.
What privately?
Passionate about winter and water sports, motorization fan and avid traveler
Jakub Opyrchał, MD, PhD
hair transplant specialist
I am a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University of Silesian Piasts in Wrocław. Since 2017, I have been associated with the Plastic Surgery Department at the Lower Silesian Specialist Hospital in Wrocław, where I also conduct clinical research. I also gained professional experience in foreign centers of Plastic Surgery, incl. in Austria, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Sweden.
Currently I am working in major Oncological Surgery Department in Poland, Gliwice.
I am the author and co-author of publications in renowned scientific journals in the field of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. I am constantly expanding my skills and knowledge by participating in courses and conferences at home and abroad.
I cordially invite you to consultations
Jakub Opyrchał
lek. Karolina Warchoł
medycyna estetyczna
w trakcie specjalizacji z okulistyki
Jestem absolwentką kierunku lekarskiego Śląskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego oraz dwuletniego kursu estetyki lekarskiej organizowanego przed Międzynarodowe Centrum Kształcenia Medycyny Anti-Aging.
Stale podnoszę swoje kompetencje uczestnicząc w licznych kongresach i szkoleniach zarówno krajowych jak i międzynarodowych z zakresu szerokopojętej medycyny estetycznej i regeneracyjnej.
W swojej praktyce stawiam przede wszystkim na profilaktykę, dbanie o kondycję skóry i naturalne efekty oraz na indywidualne podejście do każdego Pacjenta.
Marek Wysocki, MD
I am a graduate of the 2nd High School in Katowice named after M. Konopnicka. I obtained my medical degree at the Silesian Medical University in 1994. For many years, I worked in the medical rescue team and in the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy at the Provincial Specialist Hospital No. 4 in Bytom. Currently, I am also the Head of the Anesthesiology Department at the Municipal Hospital in Piekary Śląskie.
On a personal note?
My interests include off-road driving, mechanical devices, tinkering with cars, and swimming.
OUR Nurses
Katarzyna Wojna, MSc in nursing
surgical nursing specialization
Surgical nursing is my passion. In addition to the medical education, I am also a master of pedagogy. For many years I have been running qualification courses in the surgical nursing.
mgr. Nursing Dorota Czornyj
specialization in anesthetic nursing
Karolina Kosińska MSc in nursing
surgical nursing specialization
I am a graduate of the Medical University of Silesian Piasts in Wrocław.
Working with plastic surgery gives me a lot of satisfaction, especially when I see how my patients' dreams come true.
I have contact with plastic surgery not only as a nurse, but also as a...
REGISTRATION / Contact with Patients
Daniela Markusik
Contact with patients
Smile? - always smile