Plastic Surgeon/Chirurg Plastyczny
drOpyrchał .
FUE Hair Transplant
In 2020, we introduced the most modern and exact method of Dr. Jean Devroy in our clinic.
Based on equipment invented and patented by Jean Devroy and built by one of the world's best companies - NOUVAG, Switzerland, we offer FUE hair transplantation procedures.
Rare hair, bends?
Thinning hair, bends are a problem for many men. 50% of men will notice this problem up to the age of 50. A quarter of them can be seen around the age of 20.
Thanks to the FUE hair transplant, we can help you regain your dream hairstyle and, most importantly, confidence.
Such "ailments" are often a genetic matter and can be observed as early as 20-25 years. We know from patients that with less and less hair on their heads - their dream is to recover hair from years ago.
What is FUE? - a bit of history
Initially, hair transplant methods were based on the collection of 3-4 mm biopsies - punches. Unfortunately, this method of collecting hair left visible, not very aesthetic scars. Modern methods created after 1995 began to be based on collecting individual hair units 0.9-12 mm wide, minimizing scarring.
Their development became the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method, i.e., collecting one hair unit. The FUE technique provided the best aesthetic effect at the place of hair collection and transplantation. The device invented and patented by dr. Jean Devroy made the method precise and predictable.
What is the procedure?
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with ultra-thin needles minimizing discomfort.
The procedure, depending on the extent, lasts from 3 to 8 hours,
Healing of treated places takes 2-3 days,
It takes up to 7 days for the surgical sites to heal completely,
The treatment aims to restore the most natural and dense hairline,
After the procedure, you can go home the same day.
What can we do?
Transplant hair into scalp defects,
Restore hair to post-traumatic areas such as the area of the mustache, chin, and eyebrows.
Who is FUE for?
For patients who like short-cut hair so that there are no visible stigmas of the procedure - the place of hair collection,
For patients in need who want to cover defects after previous transplants, e.g., FUT,
For patients who cannot be excluded from activity for a long period of time.
Our Hair Transplant Specialist
Jakub Opyrchał, MD
Feel free to schedule your consultation
drPaul Clinic
Hair transplantation price list:
Individual price arrangement - 10 zł for graft